divendres, 26 de febrer del 2021

Cinderella's Knolling summary

Knolling is a photography technique we normally see in social media. Objects are arranged one next to another or at a 90-degree angle and the image is taken from above.  It is an overhead shot.

Our teacher has asked us to write a summary of the story we read this easter, Cinderella. To help with the task, she asked us to take a photo with the knolling technique based on the main ideas of the story. Here you have the final results.


Cinderella was a kind and beautiful girl who lived with her mum and dad. Her mum died and her dad remarried. At the beginning, her new family was good to her, but once Cinderella's dad passed away her stepmother and sisters were started being mean to her.

While she was cleaning and helping in the house, her step-family was wasting the little money they still had and also their time. One day, a message from the castle arrived. It was an invitation from the king. There was a ball at the palace. The prince wanted to choose his future wife. Cinderella's sisters had new dresses. She was not allowed to go. When her family was out, she started to cry, but a light in the stars started to shine brighter than the others. Her Godmother was there in her rescue. With her magic wand, she made a blue dress and glass slippers to wear. A bit of "Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo", and a pumpkin became a golden carriage to take her to the party. Before leaving, her fairy godmother warned her. At twelve o'clock, the spell would disappear.

Cinderella left her house for the castle. She got inside the room and everybody looked at her, including the prince. They spent all night together. But the clock struck twelve and Cinderella rushed out of the palace. The prince followed her, but the only thing he could find was a slipper she had lost on the stairs.

The prince looked for his princes with the only help of the slipper. All maidens tried it but it fitted no one. No one but Cinderella, who had kept the other slipper as proof. They got married and Cinderella never saw her mean family again.

dijous, 17 de setembre del 2020

Who am I?

The first activity we have done in English class in 2nd of ESO is presenting ourselves. Here you have a poster and a composition:

Who Am I?

I had a fantastic summer. I learned lots of new things and this helped me to become a new self.

As you already know, some of the things I liked were the movies and going jogging.

I did not like tomatoes at all, though.

This summer I have watched some films at the cinema.

I especially enjoyed the  Incredibles 2.

I also went jogging every day, and I ate tomatoes for the first time.

How could I miss such a delicious fruit?

Now, at the beginning of the course, going to the cinema is difficult.

I have lots of work to do. Besides, I want to try jogging 3 times a week, at least.

I am definitely eating tomatoes now. They are fantastic.

In the future, I will watch films on Netflix when my kids are in bed.

I will download an app on my phone to help me with my workout plan and I will eat tomatoes 4 times a week,

at least. I hope I can accomplish all of my plans.

My favorite song is: The room where it happens, from Hamilton.

dijous, 28 de novembre del 2019

Gunpowder night

The last activity of this semester is related to the GunPowder plot.
We have made these computer games out of quizlet. Here you have them.
QUIZLET (gunpowder night)

King Arthur Legend

This semester we have studied King Arthur legend. My group has decided on some interesting words and we have made a poster out of them. Here you have it.

dilluns, 28 d’octubre del 2019


Today we have celebrated Halloween with a Breakout!
I really liked working in groups, the clues, and the chocolate.
I did not like clue number 3, it was difficult.
I learnt about Halloween and la Castanyada, vocabulary on Halloween and Halloween is older than la Castanyada.
This is a selfie of our group and our surprize.